Principal: M/s. Mehru Elect. & Mech. Engg. P. Ltd
Executed many contracts through EPC contractors on behalf of our principal. Item: CT, PT, IVT, VT upto 400KV.

Principal: M/s. Zhejiang Technical Import & Export Co. Ltd. China
Item: VIZ 230 volts single phase 10(40) Amps kwhr Meters under ADB Loan No.1505 BAN(SF).

Principal: M/s. Zhejiang Technical Import & Export Co. Ltd.
Item: VIZ 230 Volts single phase 10(40) Amps kwhr Meters. Contract no.57297/15-4, Under ADB Loan No.1505 BAN (SF) dated 18.12.1999.

Principal: M/s. Orient Engineering Co., Ltd., China
Item: 02(two) types of cable spout busing and bus bar spout bushing with current transformer. Year of execution: 2015.